Gallery Partnerships | Limna

Our purpose is to build confidence in the art market by empowering collectors with the knowledge and information to acquire fine art.

Become a Gallery Partner

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Become a Gallery Partner

We enable Galleries to increase their artists' visibilty and drive sales, while also providing a tool to monitor and track trends of the art market. Send us an application and we'll get back to you shortly.



Users gain confidence in the fine art they're looking to buy. Simply by entering an artist's name and the size of the painting or photograph, we'll share an estimated value one should expect to pay for a new work based on the cultural significance of the artist. With further insights on the artist's career, and context in the broader market, the final step will be to contact the artist’s gallery, armed with all one needs to know to make a dream purchase a reality.

Using machine learning, Limna analyses millions of data points in seconds – tracking every exhibition and every art fair, along with more information than we can list here. This is how we're able to give you an accurate valuation on the paintings and photographs that inspire you.

The algorithm augments the user's input, and takes into consideration factors from the start of an artist's exhibiting career to the present day (and even planned activity for the future), their sales history, and the size of artwork to provide an expected price estimation.

Currently, under 20% of our estimates disagree with the gallery price quotes. This is when you should consider your own motivations, review at the underlying data in the artist's profile more closely, and if it seems complete, then the quoted price might be too high — or perhaps it's a fantastic opportunity!

In short, anyone with an interest in art -- especially from living artists who are producing painting and photography. We are used by both new and existing collectors who crave data-informed insights to support their emotive purchase desires. We're also loved by those buying art on behalf of others, such as art advisors and interior designers.

The first step to becoming a Gallery Partner is by sending us an application in the form above due to increased interest. By becoming a Gallery Partner you will be able to claim your gallery profile and upload your available inventory to provide Limna users with increased transparency and access to works — all with complete control over the relationship.

Unfortunately, we’re focusing on partnering with Galleries who have works that are entering the market for sale for the first time at this stage.

We're proud to track the careers of more than 800,000 artists across the leading 16,000+ global galleries.

We do, however, recognise that we don't know everything, so are grateful when you let us know if we don't have an Artist or Gallery that you think should be listed here. Have your voice heard via

If you've seen Artfacts mentioned anywhere, that's because it's the official name of the incredible database which we have access to -- we also share co-founders and a CEO.

Please contact us via the "Feedback to Limna" section of the Settings tab, or otherwise email us at